Identify Environmentally Conscious Consumers

Our Green Score helps identify and predict which individuals are more likely to be interested in green products and services.

Target Marketing Campaigns Toward The Right Audience

Today’s environmentally conscious consumers are expanding their investments in green products, services, and business practices. Use our Green Score to identify these individuals and better target your marketing campaigns.

Expert Support and Advice

We specialize in deep, long-lasting support customized to your needs. Your success and growth are our business model, and we’re building the products and custom solutions to prove it.

Green Score - Frequently Asked Questions

Green Score is a numeric score between 0 and 100 that indicates the probability that your prospect is inclined to make environmentally conscious purchase decisions when compared to the U.S. population.

Customer support can provide an estimate over the phone or via email.

Most files are processed in a matter of hours.

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